Home Forums Theme support Zen option page don't save

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hey,

    I bought ZEN massage theme and everything is OK, I can change team, blog, everything, but not options page.

    When I try to make any change, it looks like it is saved, but it does not save and I am logged out in 15 secconds after this.

    I tried to edit admin.js and removed the AJAX part as you said in FAQ but no help.

    Wordpress: 5.3
    PHP: 7.0

    Thank you


    It sounds like a problem with your server. Do you think you can send us ( info @ 7theme . net ) a login for your website, then we can take a look at it?

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