Home Forums Theme support Zen – Massage Salon – Need to import comments into testimonials

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • On my old site, I have many comments on a particular page. Can these comments be somehow imported into testimonials ? And displayed like testimonials ?

    Thank you

    On the testimonials page can be displayed the date of each testimonial? How can a client add a new testimonial?

    Hi George,

    no, we don’t add comments to the testimonials, it sounds like simple spam. This happens to every one of us 🙂

    To display the date you need to make changes in the PHP code, or you add it to the name of the client / the company of the client. You can add new client testimonials only manually.

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