Home Forums Theme support Yooco Theme Image Size

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  • Hi Guys – I’ve just purchased the megatheme pack and have chosen the Yooco theme. Unfortunately the bundled documentation isn’t great and is very generic. I’m a beginner, not a web designer and in the past have relied on good documentation.

    Can anyone tell me what sizes images should be? For the slider, featured image, portfolio etc? My other themes have the sizes listed in the documentation but there is nothing here and the sliders are different sizes.

    I’m sure I’ll have other questions lol but hopefully someone can get me started with that?




    for all post types you should use images bigger than 980 x 500, because WordPress crop the images if there are too big.

    For the slider: the images are always as big as you upload it, but max 2000 x 1000 pixel (to prevent too big loading time). The images in the slider in our demo are 1920 x 600.

    By the way: I think you are the first one who ask for all image sizes, thats why we never included it in the documentation

    Hi and thanks for the speedy reply.

    I dont understand your first comment – should images be bigger than 980×500 or smaller than that?

    Thanks for the slider information – I kind of thought there was a set image size to keep the ratio correct but it seems not.

    So my worry is that images of 1920×600 are going to be large physical file sizes – what is the best way to implement these to avoid slow loading times etc?

    Thanks again.

    I dont understand your first comment – should images be bigger than 980×500 or smaller than that?

    Yes, bigger!

    So my worry is that images of 1920×600 are going to be large physical file sizes – what is the best way to implement these to avoid slow loading times etc?

    I think the best way is to optimize the images, you can take a look at this tool here:


    Brilliant, thank you for the help. I do use the optimiser but it still leaves very big file sizes. I’ll have a play though thanks.

    A couple of other questions if that is ok?

    How do I change the colour of the menu highlight items? I have managed to change most colours but cannot find where to change that – the default is a light blue.

    Also, the theme kills all my existing galleries etc. Is there a way to use existing galleries or do I need to start from scratch? It shows the thumbnails but when these are clicked gives an error. If it helps my site is http://www.colincook.co.uk

    Thanks again for your help 🙂

    Oh – sorry but one other thing too

    I cant get the social media buttons to work. When I add them and enter the URL of my profiles the theme seems to add the URL of the site before the social URL – so if I add http://www.facebook.com/ColinCookWeddingDJ as ,y Facebook page the theme actually points it to http://www.colincook.co.uk/www.facebook.com/ColinCookWeddingDJ which gives an error.

    is there something I am doing wrong here?


    Hi – Just to let you know I’ve found solutions for some of the above.

    I now have the menus etc the right colour – had to drill down quite a way with the bewildering array of options but all done thanks.

    Also sorted the social media etc links. On this theme you have to include the http:// else the links run internally.

    Still no answer to the gallery problem though – looks like I’ll have to start from scratch on that one.

    One new issue though is that the theme isnt 100% responsive.

    When viewed on a tablet device (I’ve tried Samsung Galaxy Tab S and Asus MeMo Pad 7″) in Chrome the theme serves the desktop version whilst treating it as a mobile version. The menu then doesnt work properly as if you press a menu item the sub menu pops out but is not clickable so there is no way to navigate to sub-menu pages.

    Choosing the ‘Request Desktop Site’ option then delivers the same site but with no menu options working at all.

    So basically the site works great on a phone and great on a PC but wont work on a tablet.

    Please can you help with this?



    Galleries: normally the galleries have nothing to do with the theme, because the content is always separated from the php files / the theme.

    The menu then doesnt work properly as if you press a menu item the sub menu pops out but is not clickable so there is no way to navigate to sub-menu pages.

    Sorry, but thats not working on tablets because the “mouseover” event dont exist on tablets and mobile phones. The only solution is to replace the parent links with “blind” links (http://7theme.net/faqs/can-add-blind-links-navigation/)

    Thanks for the reply. For some reason the gallery has changed and instead of the image trying to pop up then giving an error it now tries to pop up then fails, then goes to a separate page with that image on. Clicking the back button repeats the same thing and you have to click back twice to get back to the blog. I’ll have to re-do the gallery so will probably use a plug in instead.

    Thanks for the advice on the menu. I’m a little confused though. Why does the theme serve a different mobile version with non-working menus if it is 100% responsive? Surely it should serve a mobile version? And why is it a different mobile version? And why does the menu not work at all when ‘Request Desktop Site’ is chosen? Surely the whole idea of responsive is to respond correctly to the display device?

    I dont understand the Blind Links thing or how to do it. Will that affect the desktop site in any way? I dont understand the instructions (sorry). Surely again this is something which should be working on a mobile device in a responsive theme?

    Thanks for the reply. For some reason the gallery has changed and instead of the image trying to pop up then giving an error it now tries to pop up then fails, then goes to a separate page with that image on. Clicking the back button repeats the same thing and you have to click back twice to get back to the blog. I’ll have to re-do the gallery so will probably use a plug in instead.

    Can you send us the link to the website, then we can have a look at it.

    Thanks for the advice on the menu. I’m a little confused though. Why does the theme serve a different mobile version with non-working menus if it is 100% responsive? Surely it should serve a mobile version? And why is it a different mobile version? And why does the menu not work at all when ‘Request Desktop Site’ is chosen? Surely the whole idea of responsive is to respond correctly to the display device?

    The menu is working with the hover state, but the hover state doesnt work (of course) on touch screens, this is a general problem, not a problem with the theme. For this reason you have to add a link without a link goal as parent menu entry, then the page dont redirect when you click on the parent menu to open the sub-menu.

    Thanks again for your help – I’m slowly getting there.

    Re the gallery – I’ve deleted them and am having to re-do them all as it just wasnt working properly.

    Thanks for the comments re the Menu – so if I do this will it affect the desktop version too? I’m struggling to understand how to do this. It wasnt necessary on my previous theme which supplied a mobile version for mobile devices and a desktop version for computers.

    Or is there a way to force this theme to provide the mobile version to tablets? Failing that I’ll try to do as you suggest though it looks complicated lol!!

    Ok – really appreciate the help so far, another question if that is ok? How do I get my blog posts to NOT show metadata such as number of comments, tags, admin name etc? My last theme had a switch to turn that off and as I have comments turned off site-wide anyway I dont need those to show. thanks.

    if it helps the site is http://www.colincook.co.uk

    Thank you again


    Thanks for the comments re the Menu – so if I do this will it affect the desktop version too?

    Yes, of course, there is always only one menu, for desktop version and mobile

    Or is there a way to force this theme to provide the mobile version to tablets? Failing that I’ll try to do as you suggest though it looks complicated lol!!

    No, and normally it’s not necessary.

    How do I get my blog posts to NOT show metadata such as number of comments, tags, admin name etc?

    Please go to WordPress admin -> Appeanrance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this css code:

    .blogentry_aside {
    display:none !important;

    Hi Again

    thanks for the CSS code – that worked perfectly thank you!

    I still have to resolve the menu issue as I dont know how to do what you suggest. I understand your comment that there is only one menu but when viewing on a phone the menu is completely different – it is a flat full menu showing all pages. On the desktop version it shows the menu with mouseovers

    The issue is that the theme shows the wrong version on tablet devices. My previous theme had mouseovers which worked perfectly and on tablets showed the mobile version which also worked perfectly

    I struggle to understand why the theme has mouseover menus to start with if they will always fail to work on a tablet device – surely that means the theme is not fully responsive?

    If I do as you suggest with the blind links (once I work out how lol) what will the menu look like on a desktop?

    Unfortunately the instructions you linked to (thanks for that) are difficult for me to follow – can you tell I’m not a designer lol!

    Thanks again

    I still have to resolve the menu issue as I dont know how to do what you suggest. I understand your comment that there is only one menu but when viewing on a phone the menu is completely different – it is a flat full menu showing all pages. On the desktop version it shows the menu with mouseovers

    Yes, of course, because it’s too big for mobile phones! This is the most suitable solution for mobile menus.

    If I do as you suggest with the blind links (once I work out how lol) what will the menu look like on a desktop?

    It’s still the same on desctop, only the parent links are clickable for the hover event on touch screens

    Brilliant, thank you

    Ok now I need to try to work out how to do that as the instructions you kindly linked to dont make any sense to me as I just dont understand them lol

    And one more issue which has come to mind with the theme is that none of my external links open in a new tab/window now. All of them have been checked and carry a tick in the ‘Open in new Window’ box but it just doesnt work. They open in the current window which of course then loses my site. They worked perfectly with the previous theme.

    Are you able to help with this too?

    Thanks again.


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