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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi There,
    Content images and Shortcode Slider images do not open on click as lightbox like gallery images.

    ALso I tried every possible combination but Shortcode nivo slider is not working.

    Please advice.

    Thank You


    do you use plugins? Sounds like a javascript error… Can you send us the link to your website, then we can check the source code for the problem…

    Looks like there is a problem with the filter if you use other image sizes than the “icon” size. We’ve tested it, with “icon” it’s working, if you choose another size, it’s not working anymore. We will make an update for this issue as soon as possible.

    The nivo slider is not working because there are no images in the slider. You have to set it up like this

    [slideshow type=”nivo” … ]


    Update available, new version is 1.06 and the problem is fixed.

    Thnak You,
    I will try that.

    Hi there,

    Gallery images ok but shortcode sliders nivo and cycle still the same.

    Plus Shortcode Nivo slider is not working. I arrange a sample on home page :http://homesart.com.tr/

    This is the codes:

    <h3 style=”text-align: center;”>AYRICALIKLI KİŞİLER İÇİN AYRICALIKLARLA DOLU BİR HAYAT;</h3>
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Kuşadası’nın en değerli bölgesindesahile sadece 500 metre uzaklıkta doğayı doyasıya kucaklayacağınız her köşesi begonvil ve zeytin ağaçlarına çıkan “nefes alan” benzersiz bir proje. Kuşadası körfezine uzanan sonsuz bir manzaraya sahip 2+1 3+1 ve 4+1 dairelerden oluşan bildiğiniz apartman yaşantısının ötesinde konforu yeniden tanımlayan özgürlüğe açılan çok özel bir yaşam.</p>
    <h3 style=”text-align: center;”>O’NUN ADI ARTEMARE</h3>
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Mimar Seher Mehdioğlu tarafından hazırlanan ARTEMARE konumlandığı arazinin doğal yapısını koruyan ve yeşile değer veren bir anlayış ile tasarlandı. Arazinin eğiminden yararlanılarak tasarlanan bloklar zeminden itibaren adım adım yükselen deniz manzarası ile siz sakinlerine nefes kesen bir seyir sunuyor. Yeşilden maviye uzanan bu eşsiz manzara siz ve sevdiklerinizle geçireceğiniz çok özel sohbetlere şimdi ev sahipliği yapmaya hazırlanıyor.</p>
    [slideshow type=”cycle” width=”100%” height=”auto” float=”none” effect=”scrollLeft” nav=”true” pause=”5000″ speed=”500″] [/slideshow]

    [slideshow type=”nivo” width=”600″ height=”1200″ float=”center” effect=”scrollLeft” nav=”true” pause=”5000″ speed=”2000″]artemare kusadasi (2)artemare kusadasi (3)artemare kusadasi (4)[/slideshow]

    We’ve tested both slider and both are working:


    I think the problem is that you have line breaks in your shortcode, WordPress sometimes is very strange with the content filters. Please make sure there are no white spaces and line breaks between the shortcode, like in this example:

    [slideshow ...]<img .. /><img .. />[slideshow]

    Maybe a Plugin issue…
    Thank you very much.

    You’re welcome!

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