Home Forums Theme support Yooco Portfolio page image enlargement not working

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • On any individual portfolio page, clicking the image does not popup the enlargement lightbox, it just links to the photo. You can see an example here: http://www.amillerimages.com/portfolio/renewal-of-vows-2/

    However, on the main Portfolio page clicking the magnifying glass on any of the thumbnails does work. In your theme demo for Yooco, it shows the lightbox enlargements working for the individual portfolio pages, so I must have a setting wrong somewhere:


    in your source code I saw there is a javascript problem. Have you installed plugins on this website?

    I have installed plugins, but I disabled all the plugins before contacting you to see if that made a difference (it didn’t). All the plugins are disabled again now, and you can see that it works properly on the home page: http://www.amillerimages.com/
    It also works properly on the main Portfolio page: http://www.amillerimages.com/portfolio/
    But it doesn’t work on any of the individual portfolio pages, for example: http://www.amillerimages.com/portfolio/desert-plants-2/


    we’ve tested it on our server, and there is really a problem when you have only one link to a lightbox on the page (in our demo are always more than one links).

    We’ve fixed the problem with the jQuery plugin, new version is 1.05 and now available. If you want, you can replace only the file “single-portfolio.php” in the root of the theme and the file “jquery.prettyPhoto.js” in the folder “/script/”, then you don’t have to upload the complete theme again

    What version number of the theme is that? I purchased the theme from InkyDeals and according to them, whenever a new version of the theme is released it should be available in my Admin panel in Appearances > Themes. The current version of the Yooco theme that I have is Version: 1.02.

    I don’t understand what you mean about having one link to the lightbox and your demos have more. I don’t understand where I would add additional images. There’s the Featured Image and according to your documentation that’s where I add the image. Where would I add additional images?

    Ah, ok. No problem, we’ve attached the theme to your account, now you can download it here on 7theme.net, just go to “Account” -> “Downloads”, there you can download the new version

    Thank you so much 🙂 That worked perfectly.

    You’re welcome!

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