Home Forums Theme support XLadies problem with Easy Digital Downloads

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Greetings,
    I had a problem with Easy Digital Downloads.
    I couldn’t add/edit a price and i couldn’t see the text as long as XLadies – Submission Extension is activated.
    Once i Deactivate XLadies everything works perfectly.
    Please let me know if you need more details to resolve the problem.
    Thanks in advanced.

    i found another bug regard the XLadies.
    i cannot edit pages that have [xladies_form payment_id=’xxx’] inside.
    both the pages from the demo content and new pages as well.
    once i click on edit/headline i see that it load the currect url but i get a blank page.
    when i open a new page and enter the shortcode i see that it struggle to publish.
    i Deactivated all my plugins and left only with XLadies and Easy Digital Download and nothing changed.
    thanks again.

    Ok, give us a moment to test it…

    Ok, we checked the problems. When we use the most recent version of the Easy digital downloads plugin we have the same problem you described in your first post. We checked our files, but we did exactly what the found recommended to hook into the plugin. In our demo we used an older version of the plugin (2.9.8), with this version it working without any problem.

    We checked also the problem from your second post, but no matter what we try, we can edit the page with the shortcode. Do you think you can send us ( info @ 7theme. net ) a login for your website, then we can check it in your admin panel and help you to solve the problem.

    We made some other tests, and we think we know the problem. WordPress saves a post only if at least the title is set. We saw that the problem appears when you did not set a title (or content), in this case, WordPress does not save the post, and in this case, it does not save the attached data of the post. Please try to set a title when you add a new post ( in WP admin -> Downloads ), I think this should solve the problem.

    I Tried all your seggestion and nothing worked.
    i sent you my website&login details.
    thank you.

    Ok, we got your login details, we will test it

    Hi, we checked it on your website and there was a problem with your server settings, that’s why the script stopped to load while editing a download. We added a workaround to the plugin, now it’s working.

    thank you for your great support, everything working fine.

    You are welcome!

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