Home Forums Theme support wrong menu on article page – honey theme

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi, on our website http://www.kamasoul.eu we wrote several article for a blog page (Le Blog). On this page we have wrong menu, even if we configure this page like the others one. I don t find where i can resolve this issue.
    Thanks for your help


    looks like you set a different menu for this page. Please edit your blog page and check the settings box below the editor, in the first tab you’ll find a dropdown field (Replace Default Theme), please set this to empty and save the page, this will solve the problem.

    hi and thanks for your answer. Even if i set it up to empty or my menu or main i have always the same menu

    and i don t see the text i wrote, only the articles…

    Yes, that’s true, the blog page template will always show only your most recent blog posts, not content you added, that’s not possible.

    ok but what s about the menu ? even if i change in the blog page the default theme to anything or to everything else, i have always the same menu…

    Hm, hard to say. Can you send us ( info @ 7theme. net ) a login for your website, then we can check the backend for the problem.

    i send it to you several days ago.

    Hi, we fixed this already on your website, please delete the browser cache if you cannot see the result.

    The problem was that you set this page as blog page (WP admin -> Settings -> Reading), because WordPress will overwrite all settings for this page, no matter what options you set, WordPress will overwrite it.

    thanks a lot for your help, even is it wasn t an issue of your theme. i apreciate this help a lot.

    You’re welcome! 🙂

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