Home Forums Theme support WP logout problem after pushing the save button

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I am facing a problem with Nailhead theme

    When I change some settings in Theme options/General (disable webfonts) or Theme options/Body (change a font) I am unable to save these setting because WP will always log off me.

    I need to change a font of the top menu.

    I am becoming desperate:), please help!




    this is a server problem, your server does not support universal cookies, means for “xy.com” as well as for “www.xy.com”.

    You can try to visit your dashboard without “www.”, normally this will solve the problem (if you made this until now, try it with “www.” at the beginning).

    Otherwise you can also contact your hosting provider for the problem, I’m sure they know what to do


    I found out following:
    Wordpress is installed here: /www/domains/xyz.com

    If I leave after instalation original address then it works:
    WordPress Addres (URL): http://xyz.com/domains/xyz.com
    Site Addres (URL): http://xyz.com/domains/xyz.com


    When I change it to:
    WordPress Addres (URL): http://xyz.com
    Site Addres (URL): http://xyz.com

    Then I have this logout problem.

    Also I still have not find where I can change the main menu font.


    Hi Michal,

    ok, this is really a problem with the server, not with WordPress and not with the theme. Only one who can help you is your hosting provider.

    For the font: you can change it in WP admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Navigation -> Text-Font

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