Home Forums Theme support Violet Theme Posts not showing images

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years ago.

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  • Hi,
    Created blog posts with media (image) and text. I can see the text, but the image is not appearing in post. How do i get added media to show up in my blog post for the violet theme. Thanks in advance.


    do you mean the single entry or the entry on the blog summary? After saving the post, the featured image is saved?

    it should be a single entry lot from remote talent. how so i set up the single entry blog with the theme? please provide instructions. the doc does not address blogs. with respect to the blog summary, how do i set that up with theme. again no instructions for that. thanks

    I’m not sure what you mean.

    Single blog posts you can add / edit in WP admin -> Posts.

    If you want to link from your menu to a single blog post you can add this menu link in WP admin -> Appearance -> Menus.

    If you want to create a summary page for all your blog posts you need to add a new page and choose “Blog list” as page template.

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