Home Forums Theme support Violet Theme main menu is not showing when you minimize the site

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi, the Violet Theme main menu is not showing when you minimize the site. I have deactivated all the plugin i am using and still no luck.

    Please help. The site is: https://www.mizzbrownsugar.com


    Hi FYI,
    I currently do not have the menu attached to the main location. instead i am using the default behavior for wordpress with respect to minimizing the site. I need to know how to use the menu that i have created with the main location (the only menu location for the theme). Please let me know and i will attach my menu to the theme main location.


    sorry, I cannot see your website because it redirect my always to the login page.

    Do make sure the menu is working correctly please create a menu, name it “main” and attach it to the “Main” location, then all will work without any problem.


    Your directions solved the issue. Thanks you for your timely support.

    Ok, great! Have a nice day…

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