Home Forums Theme support Vento Theme WP Compatibility

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Please can I know what is the latest WordPress compatibility of this theme (Vento), I’ve tried with WordPress 3.9.2 with bad results on screen. 🙁


    we’ve tested it on our localhost with WordPress 3.9.2, and it’s working without any problem.

    What exactly is not working? What device to you use, screen or mobile?

    Thank you for the answer.

    I’m testing on a screen and I have some issues with the menu position and I can’t figure out how to replicate the demo pages (the Flip gallery) .

    I’ve tried to follow the documentation with no success then I’ve imported the demo content. Apart from the top menu everything is good with the visualization of the demo content but I can’t replicate it on my own with my images.

    I want to create a Flip Gallery has shown in the demo:
    1. I create a Pictureset in the Allslider section then I upload the images I want for the slider (BTW: please could you make possible to upload multiple images or to use the media uploaded in the WP media library? It is terrible to upload one image at a time);
    2. I create a page with the Gallery Flip template and set Slideshows Tab under “Custom Options” with Backgroundslider as Slider Type and my Pictureset as Slideshow Source.

    As a result I have only the background but not the little preview on the right, also it doesn’t turn the pages with the wheel mouse but there are arrows on the right and ont the middle of the screen the waiting icon doesn’t disappear. (Image: http://i.imgur.com/XXYaQzo.png)

    Can you also tell me how to remove the dotted pattern on the images? Thank you.


    the “Gallery Flip” is working with the attached images to this page, so you don’t need to setup the the allslider for this gallery. Just create a new page, choose “Gallery Flip” as slideshow and upload the images you want to have in the slider. WordPress will attach the images while uploading to this page. Then publish the page and all is done.

    Dotted pattern

    Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this:

    .tf_pattern {
    display:none !important;

    This code will remove the overlay.

    Thanks a lot. I tried and it’s working now, but only with landscape pictures, if I use portrait format there are some issues. It doesn’t matter, I will make a selection of landscapes and try to put a link to reach a full gallery to see also the portrait pictures.

    OT: I bought the Megabundle, how can I know which is the latest tested version of WordPress for each theme?

    I just found out that the Theme as some issues in Firefox, have a look to the top of the page: http://web-rockstars.com/vento/


    I’m sorry for the landscape images, but we’ve used the jQuery plugin for it, so it’s not an issue with the theme. The themes are tested always with the most recent version of WordPress (currently 4.0), but of course, sometimes are small issues like a javascript error with another plugin after updating to a newer WordPress version, but the themes itself are working. Of course, we can’t test the themes (frontend) after each single WordPress update with all kinds of devices, browser and os, but if there is a problem, we will fix it.

    Yes, you are right, there is a problem with Firefox and the distanz to the top. I write a new post as soon we’ve found the problem.

    Can you please try this:

    go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this:

    #page.page {

    This css code should solve the problem

    Great support! Thank you.

    I’ve downgraded the WordPress version and also the menu on the top is working like in the demo now.

    I’m happy to help reporting any bug if you like but it would be better if in each theme is highlighted the latest WP version tested.


    Thank you again for reporting the problem.

    I’m happy to help reporting any bug if you like but it would be better if in each theme is highlighted the latest WP version tested.

    Yes, thats a great idea, we will do this for the next updates

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