Home Forums Theme support Various problems with Hercules


This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I’m running into problems with Hercules.
    1. Menu structure editing is not working correctly:
    -Cannot add pages to the menu! Pages show up in the menu structure, but does not allow me to select any.
    -Cannot collapse or open the pages section of the menu structure
    All other structures work correctly, but pages does not.

    2. Can’t get rid of the top sample images in the portfolio pages. Don’t want them there!

    3. Can’t get rid of the underheader (headline) section. No way to disable it??

    4. In the Theme Options, theme settings page there are several display problems. The arrows that are next to the options do not disappear when other menu items open so they block the proper display of left main menu options.

    5. No contact forms? No contact forms work. I used the add contact form on the visual editor, and even used the page builder plug in and used a contact widget. Nothing.

    I’ve spent tons of time trying to get things working right, not so good. Very disappointed. I had a good experience with CaBoom, but this is just no good.


    thank you for your message and the purchase, and sorry for the trouble.

    1. This was a problem with the most recent WordPress update, we’ve fixed it, now all works without any problem.

    2. You mean the preview images right? Just edit each of the portfolio entrys, remove the featured image (Featured Image box to the right…) and upload your own.

    3. Yes, you can disable it. Just edit the pages you don’t want to show it, below the editor is a box with settings, click the “Headlines” tab and then the “Hide headlines” checkbox.

    4. Also this is a problem with the recent WordPress update, we’ve fixed it, no it’s working.

    5. I’m not sure why the error occurs, we’ve tested it with different WordPress versions, but it’s always working. Do you use plugins? Maybe there is a plugin that produce an error with the theme function. If you want, you can install also the “Contact Form 7” plugin (http://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/) for the contact form, it’s free and a really great solution for contact forms.

    Next Step: go to your account, download the theme and install it on your website, then all problems should be solved.

    Please let me know if we can do something for you, and sorry again for the trouble.

    Hi, is there a way to just see the Hercules related theme topics? I don’t see a listing or search function anywhere.



    you can use the search at the front-page of the forums:


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