Home Forums Theme support vamos 1.03 webfonts

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello!

    I can´t change/use the Webfonts, just the Standart Font a.e. Verdana is working.
    When entering the Theme Optinos/Body/Typography an change to an Webfont the preview allways shows just the same Font, it loks like “Time New Roman”.

    using WP 4.4.2



    sounds like a javascript problem. Do you use plugins? If yes, please deactivate all plguins and check it again. Most javascript problems are caused by bad plugins.

    If this will not solve the problem, can you send us a login ( info @ 7theme. net ), then we can check it in your backend


    Thanks, good to know and yes i m using various plugins.
    I took verdana, your support will guide me next time to the solution, thanks again.


    Ok. Please let me know if you need something else.

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