Home Forums Theme support Urban Dark theme- remove solid line from below the header

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I’ve noticed that there is a solid line/separator beneath my header (see http://artifact-3d.com/) that I see no menu option to remove. I’m talking about the very thin solid green line directly below my header, maybe 1 px in height. The only thing I see in header theme option menus that mentions a border is the submenu border but that isn’t it. Is there custom CSS I can add to remove it?

    Thank you.

    I figured it out myself after awhile using inspect in firefox to find the code and adding the following custom css:

    #header {
    border: none;

    I can’t find a way to delete my post above but maybe someone else will find it useful.

    Ok, great, thank you for sharing!

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