Home Forums Theme support Update Font Awesome (Tycoo theme)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Good afternoon,
    I want to update Font Awesome in Tycoo theme, because now there is a new version (4.3 instead of 4.1) but I can’t understand where is the part that loads font-awesome.css and its font.
    I want to grab the font from CDN, not install it in my theme.
    I’m using a child theme, not directly Tycoo, but font-awesome.css is loaded from tycoo directory.

    Could anyone help me with this issue?
    Thanks a lot


    we update in the next days the themes with the FontAwesome integration, if you need it today I think its better you use a plugin like this one here:


    The list with the icons you can find in the folder “7league”, the file is called “fa_icons.php” and the font itself is in the folder “font”, the css file for the fonts is in the root folder of the theme.

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