Home Forums Theme support (Tycoo) Changing the overheader

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi
    I miss a section in the overheader in the Tycoo Theme setting a short header menu on the right hand side using shortcodes. This area is reservated for the social Icons, which i don´t need.

    Is it possible to clear the right column or connecting the 2 columns to a big one? On the left Hand side I will place the telephone number and the email address also with shortcodes. With one big column I can set the menu in a row.

    I´ve tried to Change the Header php from one_half / one_half to three_quarters / one_quarter and something like that. But this was not the solution. Perhaps you can help and have an idea. Certainly, because you are the specialist. Thanks.


    hm, I think the only thing you can do is to open the file header.php, on line 36 you can remove the social icons code and replace it with another shortcode. In this file you can remove also the “one_half” and “one_half_last” divs and make one big column.

    Thanks, that´s the solution! You´ve made my day. Great service and advice. Have a nice weekend

    You’re welcome!

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