Home Forums Theme support Tripsters Theme Portfolio Titles – color change

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Website: https://ilextravel.com/
    I was making changes in Appearance>Theme options to underline hyperlinks in my body text. The changes also changed the menu buttons and other settings. I was able to underline hyperlinks and get everything else back to normal except one thing:

    On the home page, the titles of the portfolios (country names in my case) are white on a white background so they don’t show up. They only appear in teal if you hover over them. I can change them to black in Typography>Link Color, but then the menu bar and contact widget color changes as well, and I want them to be white. Previously the portfolio titles where black and menu buttons and contact info was white, but I can’t figure out how to return to these settings.

    FYI, I do have some various css added in style.css to create oval around “Planning” in the Menu Bar and to dictate the way the Portfolio carousel appears on an iphone. I can paste here if it’s relevant.

    How can I change just the country names to black or alternatively, darken the background of the portfolio display area so the white text is visible?

    Thank you.


    the link settings you changed are site-wide settings, means for all links on your website. If you need it more precise you can take a look at the single sections, all important sections have own typography settings. For the portfolio you can take a look at WP admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Main Section -> Typography, search for the link color and change it, this should solve the problem.

    I tried this, but there is no option at WP admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Main Section -> Typography specifically for the portfolio. I tried changing the link color in Typography, but it doesn’t make a difference to the portfolio titles.

    I need a way to make those country names visible on a white background OR change the background color. Thanks!

    You don’t need a special option for the portfolio entry, just change the color for the links to black. You can add also this code in WP admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content:

    .sl_portfolio_entry_content h3 a {
    color:inherit !important;

    This will make the link color the exact color as the normal text in your main section.

    Brilliant-the css code worked like a charm!

    Ok, perfect, I’m glad it’s working

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