Home Forums Theme support Tripsters: how to find the names of icon?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I’m customizing my Service Boxes and changing the icons. In the Custom Options Menu tab, I can see the icons, and then if I look at “view-source” I can see the names, but it’s cumbersome and embedded in lots of code and out of order. How can I quickly click on the actual icon and get the name in order to change the icon?


    we took the Font Awesome icon-font for the icons in the theme, you can see the icons + name here:


    Thanks–this exactly what I needed to know! It would be helpful to add this note to the documentation for new users of this theme.

    Yes, you are right, we should include this in the theme documentation. In the next update we will include it

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