Home Forums Theme support Theme update(s) and new mail address

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 1 year, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello,
    in 2016, I purchased the “Super Bundle 30 Themes”, but I haven’t used any of theses themes.
    Now, I need one or two.

    In the download area, I see all these themes.Have them been updated since 2016?
    Where I find an information like “last update”?
    Can I use these themes on multiple sites?

    And how to change my email address at 7theme.net.
    I have a new one and want to update the address in my settings.


    Hi Semagis,

    yes, of course, all themes are up to date and you can use them without any problem. We update all our themes to make sure everything is working fine. You can use each theme only on one single website. For your email address: please send us your new email address via email (for privacy…): info at 7theme . n e t, we will change it for you.

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