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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Having a little trouble with the short code tool bar. I want to set up two columns each with a separate title. When two columns show the title of the second column is in small print. If title is Paragraph up only one column prints across the page. Any Thoughts?

    Also, I sent an email to support a few days ago about doing some customization work but haven’t heard anything back.

    F E

    Hm, not sure what cause the problem. Can you send us the direct-link to the page with the problem, then we can take a look at the source code.

    Can you send us the mail again? Looks like we never got it…

    Now I can only get column 2 to cover both otherwise it breaks up maybe because the columns are such different lengths. Here’s the link right now http://860.e6c.myftpupload.com/send-us-your-photos/?preview=true&preview_id=4300&preview_nonce=457c59b3e3 I am sending the email to support again. Thanks


    can you check again the page in your last post? Because it was only the link to the preview of the page, but it’s already expired…

    Here’s the link http://860.e6c.myftpupload.com/send-us-your-photos/ But I have it figured out now. Please don’t forget my email. I sent two but they should be read together,


    F E

    Ok, great, I’m glad you found a solution. We will take a look at the mails now

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