Home Forums Theme support Theme Hot: Shortcode [person_grid]

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    is there a possibility to make the [persond_grid] shortcode a little more precise ?

    My idea would be, to use a selector as the category for it. Like [person_grid category=kissing] or else. Perhaps it is possible with an id selsctor, but i cannot find a explanation for it.

    Or is it possible to use some other shortcode, to differ between active and available persons and upcoming persons ?

    In portfolio, there seems to be a selection with id or with category.

    Ok, found a solution in another themes thread.

    [person_grid number=”15″ columns=”3″ category=”your_slug_here”]

    Change the your_slug_here to your categories slug.

    Would be great, if such things would be explained in the documentation.

    Ok, great, I’m glad you found it. You are right, we should include that in the theme documentation…

    Another question. 🙂

    How can i sort the items in the shortcode ? Is there a way to set places for items ?

    WordPress orders all entries by publishing date. You can take a look at this post in our FAQs, the plugin is working for all post types:

    How to sort portfolio entries

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