Home Forums Theme support Text change in the Header (yasmin)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    for yasmin i use the demo content. On the header is says: Call me now: 445 / 333 339 192 33 and subtitle. I can’t find a way to change this.

    In the theme settings” header section” there is a additional box info where this text is. Changing and saving doesn’t work.
    After saving the initial demo text is back again. is there other location where i can change this?

    Please advice.


    thats the right place to change it, please control your browser cache, I think the old text was in your cache. Please delete browser cache (and if you’ve installed a caching plugin also the cache), then I’m sure it’s working

    Hi Thank you for reply. Cleared everything. Still no luck. Also i see that the changes are not saved (e.g. checkbox). I logged in from a other pc. The same problem.

    Hm, maybe there is a general problem with WordPress. Can you send us the link to your website?

    Hm, very strange, the source code seems ok. Can you send us (info@7theme.net) a login for the WordPress admin, then we can search for the problem in the backend

    Hi, I send the account and password by email to you.

    Got it. There is a problem with your server settings, that’s why it’s not working. Wrote you the details via mail.

    Thanks. It’s working.
    Many thanks for your support !!!!

    Thread can by closed.

    You’re welcome!

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