Home Forums Theme support Sundance theme header book a room button

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi. The book a room button is not aligned properly and it’s under the search box. It should be aligned right to be at the end of the overhead bar. I noticed that it’s the same on your demo.

    Do you have a solution for that?



    we’ve checked our demo website and it seems all is ok. What browser do you use? And what device? Screen or mobile?

    Well, it’s weird here because it’s not ok with Firefox but when looking with Safari, the search box is left from phone number but hide the first digit of phone number.

    Everything seems ok with Chrome. Search box at the right of phone number and box expanding to the left.

    Firefox 32.0.3
    safari 5.1.10


    ok, we saw the problem with the firefox browser. We will make an update and fix it. I think after the weekend you can download it.

    Excellent, thanks!

    You’re welcome!

    Hi. Do you have the Firefox fix ready?


    Yes, but the Mojo its not yet approved by the Mojo staff. I think in the next couple of hours you can download it. The new version is 2.09

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