Home Forums Theme support Sundance Theme > easyReservations plugin > Possible to delete/deactivate?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Sundance Theme (child), PHP 7.3.21, WP 5.5, easyReservations plugin required by theme

    The easyReservations plugin seems like a rather complex bit of coding, and adds bloat even if unused by loading of external src JS and other assets.

    We are heavily integrated into Sundance theme, but no longer use any of the easyReservations system.

    Is there a modification that could be made, perhaps to functions.php or some other file that would allow us to deactivate easyReservations (and WeatherBug) plugins without generating admin-side errors?

    I’m aware that I can delete the easyReservations directory on the server, but doing so also deletes all of my database data, which I’d rather hold on to “just in case.”

    I would like to clean up the payload weight of the site, however.

    Thank you!


    ok, no problem. Please open the file functions.php, go to line 206 and replace this code

    add_action( ‘tgmpa_register’, ‘my_theme_register_required_plugins’ );

    with this one

    // add_action( ‘tgmpa_register’, ‘my_theme_register_required_plugins’ );

    The both >> / < < signs will decative the plugin activation and you can deactive the plugins in WP admin -> Plugins. Normally all your data is saved in the database, the deactivation will not delete this data.

    Note that I use a child theme with Sundance, so the child theme has its own functions.php.
    Is there a way to configure this same option in the child theme, without changing the functions.php of the parent theme (which will get replaced next time the theme updates)?

    Ah, ok. Maybe with a child-theme it’s even better, in this case you can remove the action with a function. You can add this function/code to the functions.php file in your child-theme, this should do the trick: remove_action( ‘tgmpa_register’, ‘my_theme_register_required_plugins’ );

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