Home Forums Theme support Sundance Theme – Cant find the 'Rooms' Category

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello,
    In the administration panel there is no ‘Rooms’ post type.

    What can i do?


    unfortunately has removed the menu entry in the recent update. I think you’ve updated the plugin and now it’s not visible anymore, right?

    But thats not really a problem, all your rooms you can edit also in WordPress admin -> Reservations -> Resources

    But i cant edit the pictures. Where are they?
    By the way, if i don’t want to use the reservations, is that possible? I still can see the room page or the images? Or the reservations has to be always active?

    I payed for a theme that had all the features that were listed. If you cant give me any answers, i will ask for my money back.

    I want the rooms post-type for adding rooms. The solution that you gave me its only for the reservation information.

    Hi José,

    sorry, but we cannot change the way that the author of the plugin goes. But the solution we’ve told you is working without any problem, we’ve tested it. Please take a look at the screenshot:


    By the way, if i don’t want to use the reservations, is that possible? I still can see the room page or the images? Or the reservations has to be always active?

    By default its always visible, but if you want, you can edit the file “single-easy-rooms.php” and remove line 73:

    <?php echo do_shortcode("[easy_form resource='$post->ID']"); ?>

    If you dont know how to edit the file, you can also add this css code in WP admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS content:

    .single .room_form {

    This will hide the reservation form

    Hi José,

    we found a solution for the problem with the plugin. We’ve made an update, new version is 2.11, and it’s available for download since 10 minutes.

    We have fixed all the problems with the included plugin, “Rooms” is now again in the WordPress admin menu and all features are visible.

    Thank you.

    You’re welcome!

    Can i deactivate reservations for a specific room?

    I tried to deactivate the reservations plugin but it doesnt work.
    Im not interested in having the reservation plugin.



    hm, you can hide it with css. Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this:

    .single-easy-rooms .room_form {
    display:none !important;

    You cannot deactivate the plugin because the theme need it for many other things like the room post type

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