Home Forums Theme support Sundance 2.11

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I just purchased Sundance and there is no Rooms section in the admin panel. I read there is a new version, 2.11, available with this update. How do I get the new version? I have version 2.10


    if you bought it here on 7Theme.com it should already be available in your account, on other marketplaces we are uploading the update right now.

    By the way: you can access the rooms always in WP admin -> Reservation -> Resources

    Thank you! One other question: How do you edit the Reserve Now sections shown under the Rooms beneath the room features? There are many misspelled words in the sections, such as “General Informations,” etc.

    Hi, you can edit it in WP Admin -> Resources -> Settings -> Form, there you can edit / translate the form

    I purchased on Mojo Themes. Is the version on that site updated to 2.11?

    Yes, it is version 2.11

    Just downloaded from Mojo Themes, uploaded to site and still says version 2.10

    Sorry, we’ve uploaded the update yesterday and got a message from Mojo that it’s updated.

    However, we send you the file via mail…

    Thanks for the Dropbox link! Got it!

    You’re welcome!

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