Home Forums Theme support Stella – Blog Sidebar Issues

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi –
    I’m having issues with the layout of my blog summary page and individual blog pages.
    I want the blog summary page (https://plstakenotice.com/blog/) to have a right sidebar. I have all global settings set to the image with the right sidebar the template set to default.
    In the individual blog pages (https://plstakenotice.com/2015/09/pause/) my issue is that the sidebar is duplicated.
    I have tried all settings for the Custom Options within the Blog page and nothing changes the layout.


    can you please check in WP admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Global Settings -> Blog -> Global Post Sidebar. If you set a sidebar there AND in the post, then it’s duplicated…

    Thank you for your response. I got the duplicated menus fixed, but I still am unable to get the main blog page to have sidebars. Any thoughts?

    I think you use the WordPress blog function (WP admin -> Settings -> Blog page), because it’s not customizable.

    Please create a page and choose “Blog list” page instead of the WordPress blog function, it’s more flexibel and you can set sidebars, slider … and use all page options.

    Thank you so much. Support has been fantastic!

    You’re welcome!

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