Home Forums Theme support Strong Theme – Team and Instructor Images are Large

This topic contains 18 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    The images for Team and Instructor for the Strong theme are too large and the text is running off the screen (for name and role type). I want them to look like they do in your demo on the “Features” page in the “Our Team – a Group of professional Instructors” section. I have since deleted all the demo content.

    I tried what was in this help article but it was too confusing. Can you send all in one instruction?

    Justice theme – Team page images are huge

    Thank You.


    I think the problem from the Justice theme was another problem, not like on your website. Can you send us the link to the page with the problem? And what browser do you use?


    Thank you for responding.

    Here is the link to the sample page. I’ve posted both sample instructors and sample team members so you can see what it looks like. I am using Chrome but the same issue exists in IE. http://www.strengthandfitnessclubturf.com/coaches/
    Password is 7theme.

    The only code I have on the page is below:
    Instructors / Coaches

    [instructor_grid columns=”3″ items=”12″]

    [hr type="line" ]
    Team / Staff

    [team_grid columns=”3″ items=”12″]

    Please let me know if you require additional information.
    Thank You.

    Hi Angela,

    the biggest problem are your >> ” << signs in the shortcode, please use only >> ” <<, not >> ” <<.

    Please use the shortcodes below:

    Instructors / Coaches
    [instructor_grid columns="3" items="12"]
    [hr type="line" ]
    Team / Staff
    [team_grid columns="3" items="12"]

    I’m sorry I do not see the difference between my shortcodes and what you sent.

    Instructors / Coaches

    [instructor_grid columns=”3″ items=”12″]

    [hr type="line" ]
    Team / Staff

    [team_grid columns=”3″ items=”12″]

    vs yours…

    Instructors / Coaches

    [instructor_grid columns=”3″ items=”12″]

    [hr type="line" ]
    Team / Staff

    [team_grid columns=”3″ items=”12″]

    Also could you remove my website info from the chain above, when finished? Thanks!!


    trust me, there is a difference in the code. Can you copy and pasta our code from above and test, then you can see the working result. The same we made with your’s, only therefore we found the problem…

    That is so crazy – it worked.

    I have one last question – how can I reduce the size of the picture/frame to a smaller size?

    Thank so much!! You guys are so helpful.

    No problem. What exactly do you mean with “picture / frame”? The slider?

    On the same page you were looking at, the instructor and team pictures are really large, no matter what size you make them in the post’s featured image…they still seem to default to a larger size.

    Is there any way I can override that to any size I want maybe 50% of that size?

    Thank you!!

    Ah, ok, you can add this code in WP admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content:

    div.team_entry_img img {
    margin:0px auto;

    This should solve the problem…


    It doesn’t seem to make any difference. Any other suggestions?


    Hm, I can see a difference on the site you gave us. Can you try to delete your browser cache and (if you have installed a cache plugin) also the WordPress cache?


    I have another issue. For both the Team and Instructor pages… when you click on a person’s picture…it takes them to their bio page. The picture on their bio page is cropped on the top (it chops half the head off). I’ve tried playing with the picture size but nothing seems to work. Is there custom code to put on the instructor or team bio page itself?

    The images in the single templates are cropped to 1200 * 740 to prevent too long loading times, that’s why we’ve made the images clickable.

    There are two solutions: crop the image before uploading to 1200 * 740 pixel or edit the single template php files and load the original images instead of the cropped images

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