Home Forums Theme support Sport Team Filter

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi,

    What is the short code to filter your team who only have a particular team position? Like, list all team members who are managers only.

    Thank you.


    what theme do you use? And do you mean “team” or “instructor”?

    It’s the sport theme. And, could you provide the short code for filtering both team AND instructor?

    I want to see all team members who are managers and then I want to see all baseball instructors.

    Sorry, Strong theme.

    Hi, sorry, for this theme there is no filter for both of the post types…

    Is there any plugin that you have that will do this or will there be any updates? I have about 30 instructors that I need to categorize by what they instruct for example: here are all the baseball coaches (show baseball instructors), followed by football instructors, etc.

    Otherwise I can’t use this the way I was hoping and need to find another plugin.

    Thank you.

    Also, I tried creating a new page and using the custom options at the bottom under GROUP TEMPLATES to select only Baseball instructor types but the code does not seem to be working OR i’m not doing something correctly.


    no, I think you cannot do that with a plugin, because the database query is in the shortcode.

    We can do an update for that, but we need 2-3 days.

    Update is available, new version is 1.01 and you can download it in your account.

    The new options are:

    [instructor_grid … position=”trainer” …]

    [team_grid … position=”manager” …]

    Thank you. I will try it tonight after hours.

    You’re welcome!

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