Home Forums Theme support Spelling error in one of your themes

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi, Just wondering where to find the code for this spelling error.

    within the “NEWHOME” theme?

    Address is spelt “Adress”.

    Please see link http://www.happynest.co.nz/estate/54-queen-street-dunedin-north/

    scroll down to the Building details area to see the mistake.

    Cheers in advance.


    Hi Mike,

    yes, your are right, there is a spelling error. You can change it in the file “estate-single-default.php” on line “85”:

    ... __('Adress','sevenleague') ...

    Of course we do an update for this, if you want, you can also wait until its done.

    Update is uploaded, if you’ve bought it on 7theme, you can download it now. The new version is 1.03



    You’re welcome!

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