Home Forums Theme support Spelling error in Eastend Theme

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi,
    I have Eastend theme, and thanks for all your help so far. One more problem I have is that under building details in the Object Details area, “Building date” is misspelled “Builting date.” Is there an update on this already? Can you tell me how to fix it?

    Thank you

    Hi Mike,

    we will fix this with the next update.

    New version is 2.02, we are currently uploading it


    Hi, is there something special I need to do to update this theme? The update still does not appear in the list of available updates on my site.


    the updates for themes works only for the themes on wordpress.org, you need to donwload the theme again and upload it with FTP

    It is on WordPress.org

    And WP says that my “themes are all up to date”

    No, we’ve checked that, on WordPress.org dont exist a theme with the same name. WordPress check only the themes on wordpress.org for updates, if there is not theme with the theme name, it shows you this message, also if there are updates available.
    However, the current version is 2.02

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