Home Forums Theme support Sortable Folder Inconsistent

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hello I set up a sortable portfolio in Vasson. I had 4 Project Types and everything sorted fine. Then, I added/deleted some of my Project Type Names. I then made sure all the portfolio entries were relinked accordingly. I have no spaces in my Project Names and everything is linked correctly, but when I go to view the portfolio, it sorts inconsistently. Sometimes it shows the images, sometimes it doesn’t. It seems confused, or like it hasn’t caught up with the changes. It is not seem to be a caching issue.


    found the problem: on the first page of your portfolio are not entries for all categories. You can increase the number of items for this page or sort your portfolio entries with this plugin:

    How to sort portfolio entries

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