Home Forums Theme support Sortable by gender in Ladies theme

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi,
    It´s possible make a sortable by Gender like a sortable by category???’

    Thanks you

    This is the code for sortable by category…
    [sortable_persons cols=”3″ items=”21″ masonry=”true”]

    Hi, you can use the shortcode from the post above, but it’s working only with categories…

    Hi, I know thaat, but, its possible do tthe same thing with the gender???

    Hm, without massive changes in the code it’s not possible. The only thing you can try is to browse the code and change it from categories to the gender taxonomy, but you really need to know what you do. Do you have PHP skills?

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