Home Forums Theme support Social Icons


This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Dear all,

    A easier question this time 🙂

    Could you explain me what is the process to setup the social icons in the first footer page as the following eastend demo website


    They are 3 columns, one with the logo, one with the social icons and the last with the flickr pictures.

    Thank you


    go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Widgets. The “sidebars” are “Footer 1”, “Footer 2” and “Footer 3”. Just insert the Widgets with drag and drop into the sidebars.
    The “Logo” was made with a text widget and the [logo] shortcode. The “About” widget is also a text widget with the and the “[social-icons]” shortcode. The last (Flickr) was made with the Flickr Widget


    Thanks for your reply.
    I made it yesterday, I added the widgets social icons in the footer1 (and added the title social icons).
    The result is that only the title appeared in the footer1, not the social icones pictures ..

    Oh, sorry, forgot to say where you can configure the icons. Go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Social Media.

    You can see the result at the botom page : http://immoovation.com/

    there is only the widget title “Test Widget Social Icons” displayed ..

    Thank you for your help

    In the source code is no content for the two empty colums. Please check in WordPress admin -> Widgets that is insert widgets in the other two footer sidebars

    I missed the setup in admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> Social Media.

    Sorry for that, I must open my eyes before to send a question …

    As usually, thank you for your help et great response

    No problem…

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