Home Forums Theme support Skyline Theme – Disable Google Maps

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    Been quite a while since I last contacted tech support. I read throughout the forum regarding the Google Maps api issue. This is now compounded by the fact that they require billing information before they will allow Google Maps API to operate correctly. We do not want to supply billing info to Google to use their API.

    I’m using the Skyline theme. How do I disable Google Maps on the individual property page? I don’t want the Google map error appearing our our property listing pages.

    I’ve seen mention of as an alternative, embedding Google Maps iframe code. I know how to get the code (looking at other forum topics) but how would I replace the current google maps code with the embedded Google Maps iframe code on the single property listing page?

    So… To sum up…. I need to either disable Google Maps on the individual property listing page or understand how to use the Google Maps iframe code on the individual property listing page.

    Would appreciate if both procedures can be supplied.

    Much Thanks,

    Hi Denise,

    thank you for your post. I think the only thing you can do is to remove the Google Maps code from the template manually. You can take a look at the file “estate-single-default.php” in the root of the theme directory, line 209 – 250 is the code for the Google map

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