Home Forums Theme support Skyline Theme – Adjustment Questions

This topic contains 20 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I’m using the Skyline theme for a commercial real estate site. I need to make some adjustments to suit the need and have some questions…

    This one has been mystery for us for a while…. With our color scheme… The borders for all entry fields on a page (e.g. Contact Page, Send e-mail info on property detail page are way too light. Where would I/how would make the borders darker for these entry fields darker so they can be seen?

    Right now our logo/company name shows up on the left side of the header, with the phone icon and phone number on the right-hand side of the header. What we’d possibly like to do is center the logo in the entire length of the header rather than have it left-justified and want to remove the phone number information on the right. We have the phone number in the company logo we are using in the header. How would I make these adjustments? Is there extra css code we need to use for this?

    If we decide the keep the phone icon and phone number info on the right-hand side (modifying logo to remove phone number), is there a way to modify the size of text/characteristics (e.g. bold/color) without changing text in other areas?

    We are using the estate_featured_grid on the home page. How would I modify this so that the property details (e.g. square footage, bedrooms, etc.) do not show up on the home page featured properties?

    If we didn’t want the detail tables (e.g. Living Space, Financial Details, etc.) showing up on the property detail page how would we do that? We may want to include all that information in the Description section instead.

    On the property detail page, under the main picture the address information appears on the left hand side in the colored bar. Is there a way to change the order in which the address appears here and what portion of address appears (e.g. do not display zip code, etc.)?

    And finally…. This one may be a bit more complicated but…. Being this is a commercial real estate site, is there a way to change “estate” to “property”? For example if I go to a property details page, I’d much rather see “property” instead of “estate” appear in the URL address field.

    Is there also a way to change this in the dashboard so that Propery rather than Estate appears in the Objects menu. This last one is a “nice to have”, not totally necessary.

    I’m going to continue to review files to see if I can find the answers to some of these questions as well.

    Any/all guidance/insight is greatly appreciated!



    1. Borders

    Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra Css Content and add this:

    textarea, input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=email], select {
    border: 1px solid #000;

    (you can change the color code (#000) to a color of your choice )

    2. Logo + Headertext

    Go to the Extra Css content (see path above and add this):

    .brand_content {
    #brand img {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;

    3. Size, … Infotext

    Yes, go to Extra CSS Content and add this:
    .brand_content {

    4. Property details

    You can remove it with css. Go to Extra Css content and add this:

    #odetails {

    5. Colored Address Bar

    Thats not possible without changes in the PHP files. Do you know how to edit PHP files?

    6. Property in URL

    Yes, you can add a php function to your functions.php file, than you can change the URL slug, here is a little tutorial:


    7. Property in Admin Menu

    If you want, you can open the file posttype-real-estate.php in the ‘7league’ folder in the skyline theme and go to line 10 ( label => … ) and change ‘Object’ to ‘Property’


    Thank you for the information provided!

    1. Borders – worked perfectly!

    2. Logo + Headertextpartially worked. Got rid of phone icon and telephone number. But logo is still left justified. Want to center it using the full width of the header. What additional CSS code would be needed to center the logo in the full width of the header?

    3. Size, … Infotext – Didn’t try this yet. Will check this out once decision made on design of header.

    4. Property details – This did more than I actually wanted. It removed the color address bar as well (which I wanted to keep). I backed up the original version of the estate_single_default.php file first and ended up removing the code that displayed. the text we did not want to display. I would have much rather have commented out, but commenting doesn’t seem to work to well with PHP although it is documented. I tried /* and */ around the code and they actually ended up displaying on the web page.

    5. Colored Address Bar – I carefully modified the php code to put the address in the order needed.

    6. Property in URL – This one I’ll need to review several times before even attempting to be sure I understand.

    7. Property in Admin Menu – I actually found this on my own after I posted my questions to the forum. Currently Object remains Object. I’ve changed some of the sub-items as follows:
    Estate Type is now Property Status
    Estate Features is now Property Details
    Countrys is now State
    Kind is now Property Use Type


    2. Are you sure? We’ve tested it again on our localhost and it’s working

    4. Normally it should work. You can also save a local copy of the file and delete the code.

    Want to give an update on item 2… As it turns out I must have typed something in wrong. I ended up doing a copy & paste from the earlier post and it worked perfectly! The logo is now centered.

    A few additional design questions related to the Featured Properties grid….

    1. I’m using the Featured Properties grid on the home page. What I want to do is remove the small icons that appear when you start selecting the property features (e.g. the bed, the shower head, the icon with the arrows that appear for square footage. Where would I find that code?

    2. Also with regard to the Featured Properties grid… With a couple of design options in mind…

    a) Is there a way to change the cell padding on the listing price box and the “More…” box so when you you hit 7+ digit list price, so it doesn’t expand the box size and cause the “More…” box to move underneath the price box. I would like both boxes to stay on a single line and not wrap.
    b) Is there a way to display the listing price and the “More…” without the boxes at all?



    1. Do you want to remove only the icon or the icon + text?

    2. I’m sorry, there is no build-in solution for your ideas. I think when you know how to work with php, you can try to change the code in the files.


    With regard to item 1, I just want to remove the icons.

    With regard to item 2, I’m aware there is no built in solution to adjust this, I actually would like to know where it is defined. I have no problem working within the code to make the needed changes. I always make a backup of the file before modifying so I can easily get back to a working state if needed.

    A couple of more items/questions have arisen as a result of defining the design of the site…

    a) When there multiple pictures in the property details page and I view them individually, I see text “undefined” directly under the photo (just above the Tweet and Facebook icons) in the pop-up. What is this and where can I provide the text to appear there. I’m making an assumption this is an area for the title or description of the picture. This happens for both featured image and additional images. For the featured image I even provided a Title, Caption, Alt Text and Description but none of these changed the “undefined” text.

    b) Is there a way to center the main menu on the home page? I deleted a couple of menu itemss and as a result there is now blank space to the right of the remaining menu items. Is there a way to make the main menu appear centered on the page so it looks more balanced?

    c) On the menu I have a main category Property Listings… I’ve created 2 sub-menu items (For Sale and For Lease). The properties that appear are selected based on categories For Sale and For Lease that I created under the Estate Type Object. I’m using the categories as sub-menu items when I define the menu. This works beautifully since only items For Sale or For Lease appear dependent upon what was selected when entering the property detail information. The question I have is…. Is there a way to set the grid for what displays when in the submenu items display? Right now only 2 properties appear per row when selecting a submenu to display, leaving white space to the right. I’d like to set it up so 3 properties appear per row so what displays appears more balanced. Keeping in mind that I’m using a category as the sub-menu item, not a page. I do not want to have to place properties in multiple locations to have them appear in the appropriate sub-menu which is why I’m using categorization instead. This way when when I need to make updates/changes to a property I only need to do it in one place.

    d) Regarding maps for property details page. Some times I’ve had this work correctly and other times not. Sometimes I’ll put in the latitude and longitude and the map remains blank. Other than using Google maps (I have not gotten this to work correctly yet), is there a specific site you are aware of to get valid latitude and longitude (US addresses)? If I cannot get this to work consistently I may need to remove the map from the property detail page. Where would I do this if needed (which php file would I need to modify)?

    Your insight/guidance is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks Again!


    Please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Extra CSS Content and add this:

    .e_entry .bed, .e_entry .bath, .e_entry .size

    2. The file where you can change the code is the “estate-entry.php” in the theme basis folder.

    A) This is an issue with the jQuery plugin. Please go to Extra CSS Content in the theme options and add this:

    .pp_description {
    display:none !important;

    B) Please add this code to the custom css content in the theme options

    ul#menu {

    C) Normally there a 3 columns, like on this page here:

    (It’s also a category, not a page)

    If you want, you can send us the exact link to the page, then we can take a look at it.

    D) Normally it works very fine, you can set the pointer with drag and drop or set the coordinates manually. The coordinates you can get on google maps, just click the right mouse and choose the third entry in the menu, then take a look at the top left, there are the coordinate


    First of all I want to thank you for all the assistance you have provided for my questions over the several posts I’ve made. It is very greatly appreciated!

    Here is an update….

    Item 1 – Worked perfectly! I may want to modify this further but for the time being this did what I needed it to.

    Item 2 – Still need to take a look at this.

    Item A – Worked perfectly! The errant “undefined” is now gone.

    Item B – Worked perfectly! Menu is now centered

    Item D – Worked perfectly! Map displays correctly.

    Regarding Item C…

    Right now I’m making modifications on a very local copy of the website (e.g. localhost using XAMPP) so there is no way to provide the link for you to look at currently. Not sure this is where the problem lies but I did a compare of the sample link you included in your previous post and my “For Sale” items display via “View Source” and found that for some reason my listings are displaying in a page-sidebar-right format and a portfolio-item-list-col2 and the sample link you provided is displaying as page-sidebar-no-sidebar and a portfolio-item-list-col3. See view source output further below. If there is an e-mail address I can send the information to, I have a PDF of the entire view source output from both.

    If this is the issue, where is this format set so that I can correct how this displays. Again, I do not mind making manual adjustments to files if needed.

    Under <!– taxonomy-estate –> there was a definite difference as follows:

    From my For Sale listings

    <!– taxonomy-estate –>
    <div id=”page-sidebar-right”>
    <div id=”content” class=”equal_height”>
    <div class=”portfolio-itemlist-col2 group-itemlist-2 grid”>

    From the sample link you provided

    <!– taxonomy-estate –>
    <div id=”page-sidebar-no-sidebar”>
    <div id=”content” class=”equal_height”>
    <div class=”portfolio-itemlist-col3 group-itemlist-3 grid”>

    Your insight/guidance very greatly appreciated!

    Many Thanks!

    In addition to the items in my previous post above, one additional question has arisen. Hopefully this is doable….

    Is there a way to add an additional Object type? When I select Object from the WordPress menu the current Object types that display are “Estate Type” “Estate Features” “Countrys” “City” “Kind”. Is there a way for me to add an additional type of “Counties” so that I can the counties as categories and select the specific county the property is in when adding a new property?

    In the meantime, since I’m starting to get familiar with it, I’ll look through the code a bit to see if I can find where this is located to see if I can make the modification on my own to add this additional Object type.

    Many Thanks!

    Hi Denise,

    C) you can send us the source code to info @ 7theme .net

    Additional Object Type:

    If you want, you can use the Object type “counties” or you put this line of code in your functions.php file:

    register_taxonomy("estatecounty", array("estate"), array("hierarchical" => true, "label" => "County", "singular_label" => "County", "rewrite" => true));

    Regarding the above post…

    I just sent the source code for the 2 column vs 3 column using catagory in menu via the e-mail address provided above.

    Regarding adding the object type “County”… Adding the code suggested to the functions.php file worked perfectly! I now have a county object type and can add this as a selection when adding new properties.

    I’d also like the County to appear as a separate line item on the properties displayed using the Featured Properties and in my Property listings similar to the way State, City and “For Sale” displays. What would I need to add. I’ll begin looking at the code to see if I can determine this myself. I just did a view source on the home page so I have a starting point. I had already starting looking at the code so that I could change the order the state and city appear on Featured Properties and my Listings page so adding the county will tie in to this. Any guidance appreciated.

    Once again, the assistance/guidance you have been providing is very greatly appreciated!

    Many Thanks!
    Denise Weiss

    Please open the file “estate-single-default.php” in the root folder of the theme, then insert this code after line 62 (it’s the code for the single template):

    	if(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'estatecounty', "", "" )!="")
    		echo strip_tags(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'estatecounty', "", " &raquo; " ));

    If you want to insert the code in the previews, open the file “estate-entry.php” and insert the same code after line 130


    The code you provided worked very well! I added it both in the estate-single-default.php and in the estate-entry.php. The only issue I have is that I can’t seem to get a comma to display between the city and the county.

    Here is what I see in the previews:

    PA › Allentown Lehigh County

    What I’d like to see is a comma after the city (in the example above – after Allentown).

    Here is what I see in the detail page for a property:

    2591 Mitchell Avenue , Allentown Lehigh County , PA 18103

    Again, what I’d like to see is a comman after teh city (in the example above – after Allentown).

    Further below is the code snippet for both files. What do I need to add to get the missing comma to display?

    Much Thanks!


    <p class=’object_details_line’>
    <?php if($eadress) { echo “”.$eadress; } ?>
    if(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecity’, “”, “” )!=””)
    echo strip_tags(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecity’, “, “, ” ” ));
    if(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecounty’, “”, “” )!=””)
    echo strip_tags(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecounty’, “”, ” » ” ));

    if(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecountry’, “”, “” )!=””)
    echo strip_tags(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecountry’, “, “, “” ));

    <?php if($ezip) { echo “”.$ezip; } ?>


    <div class=’object_entry object_<?php echo $coli; ?>’ id=”object_<?php echo get_the_id(); ?>” style=””>
    <div class=’object_left’>
    if(img_mini_url( get_the_ID(),’mini’))
    echo “".get_the_title()."“;
    <div class=’object_right’>
    ” class=”headline”><h3><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></h3>

    if(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecountry’, “”, “” )!=””)
    echo strip_tags(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecountry’, “”, ” › ” )).” › “;
    if(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecity’, “”, “” )!=””)
    echo strip_tags(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecity’, “”, ” ” ));
    if(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecounty’, “”, “” )!=””)
    echo strip_tags(get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), ‘estatecounty’, “”, ” › ” ));


    please open estate-single-default.php, line 60 and replace &raquo; with ” , “, for the estate-entry.php file it’s the same, but on line 128

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