Home Forums Theme support Skyline theme: add a subcategory menu item

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi!

    I used your skyline theme for one of my websites. I have 2 estate types there: residential and commercial and 2 property kinds: rent and sale. I need to add a menu item that will show all residential properties that are for sale and all residential properties that are for rent. How can I do this?

    Thank you, Veronika

    Hi Veronika,

    please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Menus. Here is a screenshot with instructions for the real estate menu items:


    Thanks, but what I actually need is to add Residential Properties that can have a pull down of rentals, sales. So basically, I need residential properties to be sorted by estate type.

    I’m not sure if I understand you. You want to have a top menu entry with sales and in the sub-menu the entries?

    I want the top many with Residential Properties and then sub-menues for sale(all Residential Properties foe sale) and for rent (all Residential Properties foe rent).


    thats exactly what we’ve show you on the screenshot. Just choose in the “Estate Type” box “sale” and “rent” and add it to the menu (Click the “Add to menu” button), then you can rename it if you want.

    If you are not able to add it to the menu, you can send us ( info@ 7theme. net ) the login and the link to your website, then we do it for you.

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