Home Forums Theme support Sidebar menu problems


This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi, in sidebars if a menu item contains sub-items the appearance is completely wrong

    Both “under-lines” and “>” of menu items that have subitems are misaligned and looks like to refer to the subitem instead of the owner item

    You can see it there

    How can I fix it?

    I forgot to mention that I use Lambada theme.


    you are right, looks like we never use it with an sub-menu in the sidebar. We will fix this as soon as possible and upload an update for it.

    Ok, update is available, new version is 2.06

    Hi, I at moment I’m not able to update all files via ftp so I’ve just updated the style.css
    It seems you have just removed any decoration from this kind of menu. I mean there aren’t “>” and lines anymore. Is not what I expected, do I miss something available in other files or is this your solution?


    that’s our solution. Arrows were never planed for the sub-menu in the menu widget, we used this for another widget with the same classes, we only forgot to check the menu widget with sub-menus.

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