Home Forums Theme support sevenleague.po dos not have yearly and monthly

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Theme skyline 1.6

    the file sevenleague.po dos not have yearly and monthly translate that show nest to the price in the single opject page

    please show me how to add it , thank you .


    thank you for your post. You are right, there was a problem with the translation. We fixed the problem and uploaded an update, you can upgrade to version 1.17 to fix the problem.

    thank you for the very fast responce .
    I use (bluehost) it is where I bought SKYLINE theme
    i think i only can upgrade to 1.17 from bluehost. ?
    Skyline Theme is not yet updated there in bluehost.
    if there is anyway ?


    yes, we saw the update there is still pending, I think in the next hours it will be available. If not, please contact us via info @ 7theme . net

    Thank you

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