Home Forums Theme support Seaview Download

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I purchased the Seaview theme on 6/27/15 from the 7theme website and I’d like to download the documentation and the sample content (if available). I have an epmail from 7theme with the download link for the them and a copy of the invoice from 7theme with the purchase key.

    When I logged in to my account on 7theme and checked my downloads, it indicated that I had “not purchased any downloads” which is incorrect since I have the invoice.

    How do I get this resolved?

    I will send a copy of the invoice to the “info” email address at 7theme for reference.


    Hi Denise,

    you made the purchase with a guest account. We’ve attached the theme to your account, now you can download it here on 7theme…

    Wow… Thought I was logged in when I made the purchase…

    Thank you so much for the extremely quick response and assistance!

    Looking forward to working with this new theme!


    You’re welcome!

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