Home Forums Theme support Search for age

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi is possible create a search for age? I have only 4 fields default but i need age for search models..age is a field i see…how can i put it into a search form like others?



    I’m sorry, without massive changes in the code / PHP files it is not possible. It is not enough to add another field to the search form, you have to change a lot of code in the PHP files that execute the search and return the results…

    ok thats is a problem..anyway i uploaded demo acontent i cant set static homepage witha pic like your demo featured image without slide..where is the setting?

    Please edit the page, then set a featured image (box on the right), then take a look at the box with settings below the editor, choose “Slideshow” tab and choose “Featured Image” as slideshow, save the page and all is done.

    ok but now i have problems with fields,,i want delete some fields then replace with mine..is possible?

    Hi, also here, without changes in the PHP code it is not possible. If you want, you can rename the labels of the options / fields…

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