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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I would like to get help. on our Sea View Theme .


    I can’t seem to put the search listing in the website.
    i will have to put the search listing in For Sale & For Rent. How can i manage to get this in the website.

    next thing. Did you allready solve the issue, when some one reacts on a certain house, how can we get to know wich house is the person referings to?

    We have a problema with the java script, for the Google map.
    How can we solve this problem ???

    Your’s truly,

    Reuben van Lierop


    for sales / rent in menu you have to add it to the menu, please read this post in our FAQ section (it’s working with all post types, not only portfolio):


    Did you allready solve the issue, when so…

    Still working on it, we modified already the function, but we have to test it again with different server to make sure it will work always without any problem.

    We have a problema with the java script, for the Google map.

    What exactly is the problem? API? Check already this post? :


    Ok, all done, new version is 1.13 and now available

    Ok, thank you for the reaction. but what i meant is, in the Menu’s of For Rent & For Sale, or any menu of the website, it’s not posible to have the object grid and the search listing in one page.

    for Example, i would like to put in the menu’s For Sale & For Rent the Search Listing bar. in these menu. still i cannot do this, can you show me how can i add the search listing in the For sale & For Rent Pages ???

    I will send the problem of google maps, but for now i will take a look at your resolution for the Apis. i think that’s a step! i will have to look in to it.
    thank you very much.


    for the menu it is very simple, you can copy the url and add it to the menu, go to WP admin -> Appearance -> Menu, add a link (see box “Links” on the left), add the URL and a label for the menu entry

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