Home Forums Theme support Schumacher Theme – "Team" Featured Images Not Updating

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 5 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Featured images under the team section are not updating. Tried to delete featured image and then add and that doesn’t work either.

    Hi Stephen,

    do you use the most recent version of the theme? Have you installed plugins?

    Followed the instructions from the FAQ: Error: Theme options don’t work on WordPress Multisite installation. Got it to work.

    However the “logo alignment” and “logo alignment bottom” doesn’t change the placement of the logo. I have tried multiple different values ranging from 10 to 1000000 without any changes to the logo’s position.

    Ok, can you send us a link to the page with the problem, we will take a look at it


    we checked it and you are right, there is an error in the CSS code. We will fix it as soon as possible and provide an update for it

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