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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Marc 10 years ago.

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  • Hello,

    when someone is logged in as EDITOR he can see allslider options and can edit them, but when he will safe it he get an error.
    It´s in the theme nico.

    Need help, thanks in advance

    Hi Marc,

    yes, you are right, we’ve tested it and its true. Of course we make an update for it to fix the problem. What do you think, should a simple editor be able to edit the slideshow settings or should we shrink the access to the allslider to admins only?

    I think it would be good to give the editor the possibility to edit the slideshow.


    I’m sorry, its not possible to give an editor the rights to edit the allslider, because we’ve done this with the WordPress settings API, and therefore you need to be an admin to edit those settings. But we’ve made an update, now an editor cant see the allslider area

    Where can i find the update?
    In the wordpress theme area, nothing is displayed.

    No, you have to download it in your account here on 7Theme. You’ve bought it on 7theme right?

    Yes i have bought the bundle.
    This Solution is not very customer friendly. How do I know, that my theme is the current version? This Situation you should still change.

    A good solution can be found here – Theme Update Checker

    Thanks for your support

    Or is it possible to get the Information about theme updates as email?


    we know the script, in some of our themes its included but deactivated, because we the script seems to be insecure, and as long as we cannot make sure its working without any problem we dont want to include / activate it.

    You can follow us on Twitter, we try to tweet each update for our themes.

    In the next 2 weeks we add a script to our shop, then you will get update notifications via mail.

    The update notifications via mail sounds good 😉

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