Home Forums Theme support Rsponsive menu problem

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I saw a problem with burger responsive menu on small devices.
    There is no link nor burger image to activate the dropdown nemu at all. The website is ready to launch but this is the only problem to fix.

    I already got this problem when I was using Palace 101. The problem was resolved updating to Palace 103. This time I upgrade to Palace 105 and from WordPress 4.1 to WordPress 4.1.1 in the same time. I do not know wich one is causing this problem.

    My main menu is named Main.

    I just sent you website url by mail.

    Thank you



    wrote you already via mail, the problem is your custom javascript you’ve insert, this caused a problem and thats why the menu is not working.


    Thank You to point me this mistake.

    I get rid of it but the responsive menu still does not work.

    Sorry, forgot to say that you have to remove also the

    I made changes that you give to me. The script works fine but the responsive menu still not shows.


    sorry, in our last post WordPress stripped out the < script > tag and the content between it. Can you please remove the < script > tags around your code in the theme options? Because there is still the javascript problem…

    Oups! I apologize for my mistake. I forgot the script ending tag. All is working fin now.

    Thank you for your great Help.

    It was a real pleasure to work with your great theme for this projet.

    You can mark as resolved.


    Ok, great, glad its working now!

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