Home Forums Theme support Responsive menu in HOENY THEME

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I´m facing problems with responsive displayed menu at mobile screens.
    As you can see on image, both menmus are displayed at same time, but mobile menu doesn´t work
    In theme options, I set up responsive design as true

    Responsive Menú for mobile

    What´s happeniing?


    we checked it and in fact there is a problem as soon you rename the main menu from “main” to i.e. “my menu”. Fastest way to solve the problem is to rename the menu to “main”, but we made already an update to fix the problem.

    New version is 1.02 and it’s available in your account. The only change we made in the file “custom.js.php” in the folder “7league/script/”, just in case you don’t want to update the complete theme.

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