Home Forums Theme support Reinstalliation of the theme and demo

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 4 years, 2 months ago.

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    During the uploading and registration of the theme Obsession v1.04, part of the installation was blocked by the anti-virus. Despite this, we loaded the demonstration of the theme. We loaded the democontent 4 times because we have misinterpreted the results.

    It seems to have worked because when we registered the theme we inserted the received license key and there was no errors. However, some features do not seem functional. For example: resizing of the logo, changing the color of the overheader, etc …

    When we access the host’s dashboard of our site, we receive the message “Something was wrong with API request“. But we can still access the WordPress dashboard. When we change a page of the demonstration and want to save it, we get the message “Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.” but the change seems to have been saved.

    Are these messages due to the problem with the anti-virus during the installation of the theme? How can the situation be corrected? If we destroy the theme, can we reinstall it? How can we delete the democontent?

    As a last resort, if WordPress is reinstalled, will it be possible to reinstall the theme and the democontent?

    We use WordPress version 5.5.3



    I don’t think there is a problem with the theme, we never had such kind of problem/error messages. Our theme does not use API requests. I think the problem is your anti-virus software. What software do you use?

    No worry, if you crash your website or the theme you can reinstall it always without any problem, also the demo content, there is no problem. If you want, you can send us (info @ 7theme . net ) a login for your website, then we can take a look at it.

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