Home Forums Theme support Redcorner – Person Page Image size

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I have a problem with the picture size at the person page.

    If a picture is in landscape mode, it fits perfect to the page.

    if it is in portrait mode, it gets upscaled to the double size, to fit the width.

    For example, i have pic with 800×600 and 600×800. 800×600 works perfect, 600×800 gets scaled up to the double and shown with the width of 800.

    What i need is, that the pictures open in the correct dimensions.

    I think i have to change something in the sl_single_header.php, but i cannot find the correct way to change it.

    Perhaps you may help me with this.


    can you send me a link to the page with the problem? Then we can take a look at it, not sure what image size is loaded on your end… Maybe it is possible to fix the problem without touching the php files…

    One example is Jana. http://cat-exclusiv.de/cms/?person=jana There are only portrait size pics.

    Other example is Elisa http://cat-exclusiv.de/cms/?person=elisa There are both types of pics, so you can see what happens.

    Thanks for your time and help.

    OK, thank you for the links to your website. This is easy to solve, please add this css code in your style.css (at the end) and the problem is gone!

    .room_slideshow > div a > img { 
    	width:initial !important;
    	margin: 0px auto;

    Thanks a lot, it works 🙂

    Ok, great! I’m glad it’s working!

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