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This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by mkseeberger 10 years, 11 months ago.
I am finally starting to get used to WordPress and this template and it seems to be working well so far. I have a few questions though that I hope you can answer.
1. In Internet Explorer 8 and 9 (those are the only two versions I can check from right now) the grey footer background shows up blue. I don’t have blue set anywhere in the theme options. Do you know what would be causing this?
2. What can I do to support IE 7? Internet Explorer 7 destroys the navigation layout and a few other things on the template? Any suggestions would be helpful.
3. I created a Team Page with text and a team member photo in the featured image section. Is there anyway to adjust the size of the featured image for this page? I tried reducing the photo but it seemed like it always forced it to it’s current size.
4. Can I center the navigation menu on the page? I centered the logo and I would like to center the navigation to match if possible.
Thanks for your help.
Question 1: Can you send me the URL for your website, than I can have a look at it. But it seems you use a CSS gradient right?
Question 2: Update to IE 8. No, just a joke. We don’t control anymore the IE 7 while developing, because almost of the user don’t use this “Browser”. As soon as possible I while have a look at the theme in IE 7, maybe some small changes can solve the problems.
Question 3: The size is 500 * 500px, if you upload bigger images, WordPress will crop the images. You can try to resize the images and upload 500px x 500px images, then you have more controll. You can also change the images size in the team-entry.php file…
Question 4: Yes. Go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Generall settings -> Extra CSS Content and insert this:
navleft nav {
}Let me know if you need our help.
1: I am using a gradient. The URL is wellness.compu-tracker.com
2. I am with you on the upgrade but I would like to tell my client that it works on IE7 and newer. The navigation is what I am most concerned about since it goes straight down instead of left to right. Thanks.
3. I looked at the team-entry.php, is this the line I would need to edit: $large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), ‘default’);
If so, what would I change it to? Would I change default to something else?4. I inserted the code and it didn’t change the way the navigation appears. I would like the navigation menu centered under the logo if that’s possible. Also, if I center the logo the navigation doesn’t have as much padding on it after that so I put in a <br> to space it a little better. Is there a better way to handle this? Is the logo too big?
Two other questions I have:
5. On the smart phone layout/template is there a way to have the top navigation for the site menu actually say menu instead of just being a black bar?6. On the iPhone the Meet the Doctor page clumps the photo, the contacts box, and the text together. Is there a way we can handle the spacing better?
Thank you for all your help on this!! It’s greatly appreciated.
1: Ok, then the gradient is the problem. Just remove it and IE7 shows it correctly.
2. You can try to change the css file, insert ul.main-menu > li { display:inline-block !important;}, this should work.
3. replace “default” with “gallery” or “masonry”. Oh, forgot something, you are using the “Yooco” theme!? Go to WordPress admin -> Theme Options -> Image size -> Thumbnails, there you can change the sizes.
4. Sorry, my fault, there was something missing in the code. Please insert this:
#navleft nav {
}Sorry, I dont saw the < br /> tag in the source code. If you want, you can add to the code above this:
Then the space to the bottom is bigger.
5. You can add this code in Theme options -> Extra CSS content:
body > div.mean-bar:after {
content: “Menu”;
color: #FFF;
padding: 10px;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
}This will display the “menu” on the mobile navigation
6. Add this to Themes Options -> Extra CSS content:
.single_team .index-item-img, .single_team_contact_container {
margin-bottom: 40px;
Suggestions for 2, 3, and 5 did not work.
2. I added ul.main-menu > li { display:inline-block !important;}, to the CSS file in the editor and the menu still showed vertically instead of horizontally in IE7.
3. I tried changing the setting in WordPress admin -> Theme Options -> Image size -> Thumbnails, there you can change the sizes; but it didn’t work. I also tried changing it in the single-team-entry.php and team-entry.php to mini or something different and the image on the Meet The Doctor page is still huge. Any other suggestions, am I missing something?
5. I tried this suggestion as well and the menu displays the same way on my iPhone in Safari and Chrome. I would like the black menu bar at the top of the page for the navigation to say Navigation or Menu instead of just having the 3 lines on it.
The other suggestions worked great, thanks for that!
2 + 5: can your insert this to your style.css file:
ul.main-menu > li {
display:inline-block !important;
}body > div.mean-bar:after {
content: “Menu”;
color: #FFF;
padding: 10px;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
}I saw in your shortcode that the WordPress security system transform the “>” sign to “>”
5. the single-team.php file is for the single team, the team-entry.php file is for the group template. Do you want to change the size for the single template?
ul.main-menu > li {
display:inline-block !important;
}Is still not working. I tried manually typing it in and copy and pasting it into the style.css but in IE7 it still distorts the layout of the menu.
Adding the word menu to the responsive layout worked, Thanks!
On the last part, I don’t know which one I am trying to edit. This is how I setup the page. I went to team -> add new -> filled out the info and added a featured image. Then I went to Appearance -> Menus -> and created a Link to point to the team page that I had just created. I tried creating a page with assigning the team template but it did not display the way I wanted it to. I want people to be able to click Meet the Doctor on the menu and be taken straight to the page with his picture and his information but I would like the picture to be smaller.
“On the last part, I don’t know which one I am trying to edit. This is how I setup the page. I went to team -> add new -> filled out the info and added a featured image. Then I went to Appearance -> Menus -> and created a Link to point to the team page that I had just created. I tried creating a page with assigning the team template but it did not display the way I wanted it to. I want people to be able to click Meet the Doctor on the menu and be taken straight to the page with his picture and his information but I would like the picture to be smaller.”
Ok, now I know what you mean. The picture is located in “single-team.php”. But the image is always 100% width to fit the container.
Add this to your style.css file
.single-team .index-item-img img
}It should solve the problem.
For the IE7 issue I will test and search for a solution tomorrow.
Perfect! Thank you. The image displays correctly now. I really appreciate all of your help.
Let me know if you find anything on IE7.
Thanks again.
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