Home Forums Theme support Purchased Arcon / Need Tutorial Help

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  7Theme Support 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    I purchased Arcon just one day ago and after having some problems installing it, I was finally able to get it running thanks to the IT support from Bluehost. However, it is proving to not be as user friendly as the reviewers had mentioned. Performing simple tasks like updating the Logo header or creating a Portfolio page are laborious and I still don’t understand how this site works. Is there a tutorial that teaches you how to do the most basic of functions? I’d like mine to resemble the demo. Here are the respective links:

    My Site


    Please any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    I’m experiencing the same issues as Mauricio.

    It would be great if I could download an “import” file somewhere and then install the demo version directly on my site. If this is not possible, I’d appreciate help on how to create a Portfolio (as on the demo version) and the animated headline (brochures, websites, flyers).

    Thank you!


    Hi at all,

    @ Mauartist: The documentation for the arcon theme you can download on Mojomarketplace, there is a description for the portfolio, installation and all the rest. To change the Logo in the header please go to WordPress admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options -> General -> Customize WordPress -> Custom Logo.

    If you can’t find the docs on Mojo, please have a look at the general documentation for the theme framework:


    @ r_lystrup

    Normally you can download the Docs on Mojo, if you can’t find it you can download it also here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gz5ftyeax7xwmv/ARCON-DEMO-XML.xml

    For the animated text we have made a shortcode to handle it better:

    [text_changer words=’Websites,Brochures,Flyer’]

    Just replace the “website” ,”broschures” with your own words.

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